Valley Sierra SBDCServing Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties
Helping Your Business Start, Grow and Succeed

Our team members are committed to making a difference for small businesses like yours. 

Our expert business advisors are passionate about helping businesses succeed. They bring extensive hands-on business experience to each client situation, ensuring you receive practical “real world” advice that can be applied to daily operations. Business advisors’ expertise covers all key business areas, and they will work closely with you to develop productive solutions.

Our staff will make every effort to assist you. They can answer questions, arrange meetings with consultants, and help with signing up for classes.


German Zavalza


(209) 585-3076

Stefanny Garcia

Interim Program Manager

(209) 422-6412

Delaney Nunes

Temporary Marketing Coordinator


Leo Urbano

Administrative Assistant

(209) 422-6416

Brianna Wiegand

Marketing Coordinator

(209) 422-6423


Kathleen Boone

Restaurant Business Consultant

Jose Borroel

General Business Consultant
Languages Spoken: Spanish

Gil Cardon

General Business Consultant

Chris Carroll

Social Media Marketing Strategy Consultant

Jessica Chang-Irish

Public Speaking Consultant

Amy Copland

QuickBooks Consultant

Cynthia Cowart

General Business Consultant

Charles Eason

SBIR/STTR Consultant

Amber Edwards

General Business Consultant & Grants Consultant

Duaan Fincher

General Business Consultant

Mathew Galvan

Digital Marketing Consultant

Pablo Gomez

General Business Consultant
Languages Spoken: Spanish

Kirk Gonzalez

Marketing Consultant

Nate Henderson

Finance, Access to Capital, and SSBCI Consultant

Haley Hoover

General Business Consultant

Marcella Johnson

Business Strategy Consultant

Stefanie Kendrick

General Business Consultant
Languages Spoken: Vietnamese

Rhonda Lowe

Business & Strategic Plans, Sales Strategies, Retail Business

Megan Mason

General Business Consultant

Dennis Murphy

General Business Consultant

Lucy Navas

Finance Consultant
Languages Spoken: Spanish

Claudia Newcorn, MBA

General Business Consultant & Marketing Strategy Consultant

Tiffany Phillips

Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy; E-Commerce Consultant

Kathryn Kim Ramos

Website and Digital Marketing Consultant

Jeannine Roberts

Grant Writing Consultant
Languages Spoken: Russian

Alice Tang

Childcare Business Consultant
Languages Spoken: Chinese

Pamela Toconis

Finance Consultant

David Waldbauer

Government Contracts Consultant
English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and a Grant with the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the California SBDC closest to you.